November 12, 2018

Tiffany and Evan’s Raven Roost Engagement Session

FILED IN: Engagements

Tiffany and Evan are one of my 2019 wedding couples; they are getting married in October of next year at Winridge Manor. These two are so sweet and are the perfect match for each other! They have the sweetest love story; it sounds like it could be the plot to a romantic comedy. Here is their story:

“My fiancé Evan and I met in high school. We rode the bus together and on the very first day I remember him calling me out and asking who the “Blondie” was on the bus. I smirked and told him my name is Tiffany. He was a year older than me in school and we grew to be close friends. At the time I didn’t see him in a romantic light even though looking back there were several signs showing me he felt differently. Evan was who I called at night when I couldn’t sleep; he made me smile when I was upset and truly became my best friend. My junior/ his senior year of high school he drove me to school and back every day. Every morning we would stop at 7/11 and he would get us both a Gatorade and occasional snack. In the afternoon if I was in a sad mood he would stop and take me somewhere fun before taking me home in order to try and cheer me up. During my junior year most of the school was going on a bus field trip to DC but unfortunately Evan’s class was unable to go. Since my dad was coming on the trip with me, we drove his car to school together. I called Evan the night before and joked with him about how he should leave me a note on my car. To my surprise, he did. I found a typed letter in a Ziploc on the windshield with my name on it. In the note he talked about all the different types of letters he could have wrote me listing every inside joke between us, it was incredibly sweet and something I could tell he spent quite a bit of time on. To this day it is the most romantic note that I have ever received. At this point even I was kicking myself in the butt for still only seeing him as my best friend. My senior year, we had a falling out. He had already graduated and went right into starting a career as a network engineer. I was finishing up my senior year and applying to colleges. After graduating high school I went onto attend Longwood University down in Farmville, Virginia. Following college graduation I came home and started my first real job. We still hadn’t spoken or seen each other in years yet, I never forgot about him and the special place he held in my heart as the guy who was always the sweetest to me. At the time, I had just gotten over a break up and hesitantly signed up for one of those dating apps. Reluctantly, I created the profile but the picture I posted was a picture taken of me from behind while I was target shooting because I wasn’t fully comfortable with the idea and didn’t want to show my face. One evening I was bored, flipped through profile pictures on the app and to my surprise I came by someone I recognized… it was Evan. I lit up a bit on the inside as it had been quite some time, years in fact; however, I couldn’t help but reach out. I messaged Evan and said “Hello, you might not recognize me but believe it or not we used to be best friends.” I wasn’t quite sure if he would even remember me, especially since my photo didn’t even show my face. To my surprise he responded with: “Is today your birthday?” and in fact it was… after the years apart he still remembered my birthday and knew it was me… I said yes and he gave me his number and asked me to call him. I did, we talked briefly and he asked me to dinner the following night. We met at Capital Ale house; I remember being so nervous because of how long it has been, yet we ended up being there for over 3 hours. Catching up, talking, and laughing. It was the happiest I had been in quite some time, it was as if things just clicked and now things were different, we were older, timing was right and finally I was now not only ready but I truly wanted the guy that had always been there for me, been my best friend. From that night on we spent more and more time together and started dating.”

How sweet is that!

We decided on Raven’s Roost Overlook for their engagement session and it could not have been more beautiful! We had such beautiful light throughout the entire session and all of the trees were covered in beautiful fall colors; it was stunning! Tiffany and Evan laughed and giggled their way through their entire session. They also brought their incredibly adorable schnoodle puppy, Bruna that stole the show during their session!

Here are some of my favorites from Tiffany and Evan’s engagement session. I hope you love them as much as I do!

This view!! I cannot get over how incredible it was!

Tiffany’s giggle is so stinking cute!

Evan took it upon himself to name all of the poses we did. He dubbed this one the fighter pilot pose. haha. I’ve already decided that I’m going to continue to call it that.

How stunning and unique is Tiffany’s ring! Evan worked with a jeweler to design it specifically for Tiffany. I absolutely love the blue stone; which is anyone surprised by that? haha.

Evan wanted his own dancing photo, because he felt left out. haha.

Bruna is the cutest little puppy ever! She was so friendly and gave out lots of kisses.

Again Evan felt left out and wanted to be picked up as well. hahaha. These two were cracking me up the entire time.

This silhouette! All the heart eyes!

Tiffany and Evan,

Thank you guys for being the best! I cannot wait for your wedding next year!

xo Brittany ox

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